Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Married Men Have Better Behavior

Men tend to behave better when they get married - this is because marriage seems to help men improve their attitude and the man who had a better attitude tends to make the wedding as the main case according to research in the United States.

S. Alexandra Burt and his colleagues at Michigan State University also found that men are less likely to have bad behavior will eventually get married.

Among the men who got married a few shows that signs of bad behavior - especially actions related illnesses such as antisocial criminal behavior, lying, aggressive and less ruthless - reduced after they bind themselves in marriage.

Burt said that men who marry "in the beginning was not an antisocial and even after they married antisocial behavior was diminishing."

In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry "December issue, Burt and colleagues studied 289 male twin pairs for 12 years, from age 17 to 29 years. More than half were identical twins.

Men who married during the study period, approximately 60 percent of them showed less antisocial behavior at age 17 and 20, showed that men with an attitude like that tend to be less put marriage in a prime spot.

At the age of 29 years, married men who do not have a 1.3 average antisocial attitudes, compared with 0.8 among married men.

However, among identical twins with one other person was married and not married, married men who were found to have fewer antisocial attitudes than the twin who was not married.

In the case of identical twins by genes and childhood the same atmosphere that tends to produce the same antisocial behavior, this research indicates that marriage helps to get rid of the bad behavior.

But it is unclear why men can improve their behavior after marriage, says Ryan King of the University of Albany who was not involved in the study.

Men who are married spend more time with her partner than with her friends and bad behaviors like crime and drinking alcohol tend to be a group activity, he said.

Plus, the man who married "will be more to lose" if they were caught because of illegal activity and more concerned with what is thought by her partner.

"Not everyone is equally likely to marry, but those who are married have the benefit of marriage," said King.

The results that help explain the findings of other studies showing that married men do less crime. Recent research for example, shows that marriage-related crime decreased 35 percent.

The study also found that married people tend to be healthier than when I was still alone, although recent studies reveal that health benefits because marriage is still unclear. But those who are married tend to live longer, less experienced depression or heart disease and stroke.

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